NewsInternationalDutch potato industry establishes Holland Innovative Potato for major investment in research

Dutch potato industry establishes Holland Innovative Potato for major investment in research


Ten Dutch potato (processing) companies and two associations have established Holland Innovative Potato (HIP) to facilitate and coordinate joint pre-competitive research activities.

Research is focused on improvement of the quality, yield and efficiency in the cultivation, logistics and processing of potatoes.

The objective is to create practical solutions for products and processes that can be implemented by 2027 in order to strengthen the position of the potato as a global food crop, and to enable the potato supply chain to meet consumer demands.

The participating organizations have appointed a board for HIP, consisting of Dick Zelhorst (Aviko), Robert Graveland and Dick Hylkema (NAO). The board members are appointed for three-year terms. Dick Hylkema is taking on the role of chairman.

Bernard de Geus is appointed as HIP co-ordinator while Hylke Brunt (VAVI) will be HIP secretary. HIP will be created from building blocks, each block consisting of a separate research program. These blocks together in cohesion are expected to drive potato research focused on quality, yield and efficiency.

A first block is now starting in the form of call for research projects for a HIP NWO-TTP partnership. This partnership is financed by the Nederlandse Wetenschappelijke Organisatie voor Onderzoek (NWO), research area Toegepaste en technische wetenschappen (TTW), the members of Holland Innovative Potato and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs.

A total budget of €4,5 million is available for the first Holland Innovative Potato research building block.

Source: Potato Pro

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