I view collaboration as an essential business tool — within my company, between members of the industry, or with end users. It’s all top priority and gatherings and conferences are my favourite ways to connect.
Last month, I talked about our plans to gather HZPC staff and our Culinary Council as part of an initiative through our Potato Glory brand at the Potatoes USA facility. It was amazing to spend three days talking about, ideating on, and eating potatoes.
As the New Year starts, it’s time to get excited about what 2025 is going to bring. We’re starting out by meeting with our industry partners and friends at a series of North American potato conferences and events. If you are like me, and excited to hear what others in the industry are doing, share what you have to offer, and discuss all things potato with like-minded people, these events are for you!
It starts with a bang with a great January escape to sunny Orlando for the Potato Expo on Jan. 9-10. This is a phenomenal event with about 2,500 participants, quality education opportunities and engaging talks. HZPC is excited to have the manpower for a booth space after a few years hiatus. Our favourite part is chatting with everyone who stops by, so please come visit. We’re going to offer some insights into what consumers are asking for from fresh potatoes, and what they’re expecting us to be able to deliver as an industry.
The next stop is Pocatello, Idaho for the Idaho Potato Conference running Jan. 23-24. The University of Idaho puts this one every year in conjunction with Idaho State University, and it’s a great opportunity to learn about the current research in the potato industry. They bring in researchers from both Canada and the U.S. to present their current findings and what they’ve been working on for the past year. The researchers are also looking to determine what the industry needs them to look at in future research, so this is a great opportunity to not only learn what’s coming out of research, but to contribute to determining the direction of future research.
That last weekend in January marks the start of the Canadian Shows with the Manitoba Potato Production Days in Brandon Manitoba, Jan. 28-30. While HZPC can’t attend, it offers an incredible lineup of speakers and exhibitors.
We will have someone at both the 2025 Potato Conference in Summerside, P.E.I. on Feb. 12 and the Ontario Potato Conference and Trade Show in Guelph, Ontario in early March.
I hope we’ll get to see each other at one of these events, but if you can’t make it, you can always reach out to me directly. I’m always keen to chat potatoes and collaborate with others who are as invested in the industry as I am.