Canadian Potato Acreage Up Slightly for 2022

Canadian potato farmers planted 385,128 acres this year, up 0.1 per cent from 2021, Statistics Canada said in a release on July 14. Prince Edward Island was once again the top potato province, with Manitoba and Alberta following.

The release noted while P.E.I. planted the most spuds, the Island also reported the most significant acreage drop.

“This decrease of 5,500 acres is primarily due to the uncertainty of export markets for the upcoming crop,” the release said.

Provincial breakdown:

  • P.E.I. — 80,500 acres, down from 86,000 acres in 2021
  • Newfoundland and Labrador — 300 acres, down from 325 acres
  • New Brunswick — 51,800 acres, down from 53,000 acres in 2021
  • Nova Scotia — 800 acres, down from 1,200 acres in 2021
  • Quebec — 50,748 acres, up from 46,886 acres in 2021
  • Ontario — 37,180 acres, down from 38,325 acres in 2021
  • Manitoba — 79,500 acres, up from 78,000 acres in 2021
  • Saskatchewan — 6,000 acres, down from 6,200 acres in 2021
  • Alberta — 72,300 acres, up from 68,450 acres in 2021
  • British Columbia — 6,000 acres, down from 6,500 acres in 2021

East has More Spuds in Storage than West

The eastern provinces continue to hold more stocks than the west as of July 1, data from Statistics Canada said. The United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC) noted in a release this has been the trend for 2022 with above two year averages in all four reporting provinces.

For table stock potatoes, the east continues to have higher stock numbers as has been the trend throughout the year, UPGC said. Higher than average numbers in New Brunswick including some processing potatoes switched over, most stocks are Russets, yellows and reds.

“Demand remains steady, shortages in the U.S. still an opportunity for those that export,” UPGC said.

Processing potato stocks as of July 1 are average. However geographically, a big part of the remaining supply is located in Eastern Canada.

“Processors in general have agreed to use as much old crop and delay out of field deliveries from new crop. Fryers are determined to use what raw potatoes are available and chippers seem more confident they will use much of the remaining supply.”

Despite not all provinces having reported yet, all seed seems to be depleted at this time. UPGC noted with P.E.I. seed exports to all provinces blocked, the Island does have a higher level of seed remaining, which isn’t unexpected.

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